15th Anniversary Celebration (it's free!)
** RSVP on LinkedIn so you can easily invite your contacts!
Once you are Certified in Exhibition Management (AKA "a CEM"), you'll need to earn 15 continuing education credits to re-certify every three years.
With Trade Show Summer School, you can earn 16 credits* in just two months... and learn a lot of helpful information about overcoming common challenges (like limited resources or feeling overwhelmed), empowering your exhibitors (in their sponsored sessions and exhibit marketing efforts), and taking your organization to the next level (by acquiring attendees, reinventing your EAC, and more) too!
Attend every session with the official CEM Preferred Provider logo (at left) to earn all 16 credits; once verified,** we'll submit your participation to IAEE, so your credits automatically appear in your account - easy peasy!
* In order to earn all 16 credits, you must attend all four regular sessions (on 7/11, 7/25, 8/8, and 8/22), along with both webinars (on 7/19 and 8/11) and all three workshops (on 8/20, 8/27, and 9/6) in real time. After we've verified your attendance, we'll submit it to IAEE on your behalf.
** We can only verify your attendance when you attend Trade Show Summer School programming in real time. If you watch a recording instead, you can submit that effort for continuing education credits on your own, but please note that recording access is only available to mailing list subscribers. Also, each recording will be edited to remove interactive elements (which are only available to live participants) before posting. As a result, the recordings will be shorter than the live sessions.
OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM IAEE: Exhibitors WINH has been accepted by the International Association of Exhibitions and Events® (IAEE) as a CEM Preferred Provider of the below-listed continuing education courses, which courses qualify for CEM recertification credit. Determination of continuing education credit eligibility or Preferred Provider status does not imply IAEE’s endorsement or assessment of education quality. Participants consent to Preferred Provider providing their personal data to IAEE for the sole purpose of IAEE recording credits for any IAEE members and non-members
Exhibitors across industries and around the world will most enjoy the first 30-minutes of each regular session, along with the webinar on August 1st (on sponsored session topic selection and promotion) and the workshop on August 28th (on preparing their exhibit marketing roadmap).
info@ExhibitorsWINH.com | (614) 657-7412
Exhibitors WINH LLC © 2024
Accessibility Statement: We are doing our best to make this website and the opportunities listed above accessible for you. After testing, we have not identified any WCAG errors or other accessibility issues with this website; but, if you catch something we missed, we want to make that right. Please email us at info@ExhibitorsWINH.com or call/text us at 614-657-7412 with any questions, concerns, or other accessibility requests so that we can continue to improve these programs for you and others.